I've spent hours and hours gazing around my room, trying to figure out where the heck I'm going to put everything. Then finally today it all just clicked. I knew it would eventually! Before I saw the room in real life and only through two photo's, I thought I wanted the bedroom area to be where I have the craft area now. I was going to hang curtains across the wall by the entryway to make it a separate space. But once I got into the room and realized the bathroom and entry was right there, I decided against it. I am not a fan of putting beds in front of entrances. It really does bring in a bad energy, and with the way I sleep lately I really need a peaceful slumbering area! So after much thought, I decided to put the bedroom area on the opposite side of the room. It has a slanted wall which makes it kind of cozy, and the closet is over there so it just kind of makes sense. In my "plans", I also always wanted to have the room set up like all the gorgeous Paris apartments. They always separate the bedroom and living space with a table and the sofa up against the bed. I just love the way it looks, and it really does help with the separation.
My other big dilemma was where to put the t.v so I would be able to see it from my bed {I'm one of those who can't fall asleep without it on} and from the sofa. So if I put it where it is in the photo above, I think I should be able to see it from my bed. Problem solved.
I like where the craft area ended up. I love the view from the back window in the room. We are up on a big hill, so this window looks out onto the sprawling backyard and thousands of gorgeous trees. Love it. It's going to be such great inspiration. I also have a good amount of room for storage, which is much needed!
As I said before, I was torn about keeping the bookshelves that are built in along the long wall. But I think I will be able to work them into the room, and it will be a great way to add some color to the room with them painted.
So, there it is!! Even though I planned on coming up with more options, I think this is the perfect one! I'm praying it actually works out. The floor plan is accurate dimensions, but I'm sure the furniture will be different. So it will need some adjusting I'm sure. Can't wait to get started!!
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